Friday, August 25, 2017

Clarity is Power!

We've all heard it before.  The Tony Robbins quote, "Clarity is Power!"

We've heard it again and again because it's true. It's just logical.  How can we make educated, empowered decisions if we are not clear on where we are and what we want?  The honest truth is, we can't.  We can't make a change if we don't know what we truly desire.  We can rant and rave about what our lives look like.  We can bitch and moan and complain and blame, but if we haven't done the work to get clear on what we truly desire, we're just making noise.  Annoying noise!

But chin up, my little cupcake!  Getting clear is easier than you may think.  I am writing about this because it is the very first step in creating the life of your dreams.

The first thing I am going to ask you to do is to spend some time internalizing this concept of getting clear.  Not forever, but just a bit of time.

Examine the places in your life where you find yourself complaining or feeling uncomfortable, unproductive, unhappy - or any other "un" you my have.  Look at the times during your day to day life where you find yourself shaking your head, rolling your eyes or feeling defeated.  When you take the time to look around at your life and examine those places that didn't turn out exactly the way you wanted, you may be surprised at how many areas there are!  But don't be unhappy about it!  You're about to turn it all around!

So what am I really asking you to do?  Yes!  I am asking you to throw yourself a pity party.  Wine or Champagne, or the beverage of your choice is highly recommended.  Also recommended is a bit of solitude.  Go through this exercise when you have some time alone.  Your pity party must be a solo experience.  Get out a journal or notebook, or just a piece of paper.   Write down the date and just brain dump your way through this.

I really hope that you will take this first step seriously.  This is where the good stuff, the magical moments, will happen for you.  This is where you'll find all of the areas of your life that are missing the secret sauce or fairy dust required to get the ball rolling!  When you identify places that need some work, help, redesigning or otherwise fixing, you'll begin to feel a little bit better about your life.   Believe it or not,  just knowing which areas need work will provide you with some clarity.  

Don't worry about how you're going to fix your 'not so happy' places.   This exercise is about identifying those pesky trouble spots.  In next week's blog, we're going to mix up your personal secret sauce.  I'll show you how to create your own recipe that will allow you to curate, tweak, bend and push your life into the direction you have been longing for.

For now, bring all of your baggage to the front. Now is the time to allow all of your feelings to present themselves.  Remember, it's just you, me and your journal and we're going to have a nice bond fire of celebration once this is all over and you'll be able to throw that journal into the fire and bid it farewell forever!

No one else should know about your journal, so be sure to keep it well hidden while you go through this process.  Don't worry about grammar, punctuation or spelling.  We're going to be dealing with raw emotions and feelings, not poetry.  So scribble, draw, write and brain dump everything that comes to you.  Think of it as a mental bath!  You'll be cleansing all of that old gunk out of there so that you'll be free to dream, build, create and curate your way to joy, happiness, and freedom from the past!

Oh!  All of that nasty guilt and shame that might come up for you - since we all have it - consider it soon to be gone!   This mental bath you are about to take is going to wash it right out of your pretty little head.  After all, 90% of it was created by you in the first place.  You have every right, as well as the power, to kick it to the curb.  And then you'll use all of that newly cleaned space for creating and curating your beautiful life!

Here are the life areas I want you to consider during this process:

Your overall happiness.  Day to day peace and contentment.
Geography.  Do you love where you are?
Career.  Are you fulfilled by your job?
Daily habits.  How do you live?
Your past lives.  Marriages, relationships, decisions, mistakes, regrets.
What excites you each day?
Is there something that makes you jump out of bed each morning?

PLEASE PLEASE do not try to do this exercise without writing about it.  When you write it down, you can make a plan to fix it.  If it's just a thought, it's just a thought.  Fleeting and flying around.

I'm going to leave you with this thought:

There is NOTHING in your life that you can't feel better about.  Next week, we'll dive into some steps to begin the necessary work that will create a path for you!

If you have questions or comments, please leave them below for me!  Or email me directly at

Cheers to your discoveries!!


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