Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Secret Sauce - Your Recipe!

Hello again, my friend!  

How did last week's Blog Post work out for you?  I hope you've taken the time to think about your life and identify any areas that could use a bit of attention and TLC.   If you haven't, I definitely recommend reading last week's post and going through that exercise before continuing this week.   

What we are going to do this week is truly a life changing exercise that you will find a lot of fun!  I am going to assume you did the exercise and have a few areas of your life that need some work defined, or chosen.  So let's get into it!

First,  understand that you can work on multiple areas at the same tine once you understand the process.  And it IS a process, so give yourself a little time to get comfortable with it.   Go easy on yourself.   It took more than a minute to create the drama in your life whether you created it yourself or not, so it will take a more than a minute to fix it!  

For our purposes today, take a look at one area of your life from the journaling you did last week. Until you understand the process you need to go through, I'd like you to choose just one thing from your list that you'd like to work on.  You can make it one of the easier items, just to give this a try!  
To begin, I want you to remember that we are all just energy.  Everything is energy.   Good and bad, pretty and ugly, it's just energy that we are dealing with. And as energy,  we attract common energy. If you operate at a high level of energy,  you attract back to yourself a high level of energy.   And if you live your life in negative energy,  you attract that back as well.  So here's the big question.  What kind of energy do you want in your life?  

The first, quick answer that we all give is of course, I want the GOOD energy.  But it's not quite that simple. To only entertain good, high-level energy in your life, there are things you will have to give up. Things like the ongoing pity party.  The comfort in doing things the way you always have, even when you know you'll get more of the same results.  The bad habits that you have developed over the years that perpetuate the results you're getting in your life.  

I remember working with a client on making her life better and more positive.  We worked for a few weeks on actions that she could take to feel better every day about her situation.  Each week she would report back that she had done the work I requested, focused on her mindset and had truly been feeling better.  Then at the four week mark, we began talking and examining how she was doing and how proud she was of herself for creating her own happiness.  She truly was happy, she told me. Then she said to me, "I want to talk about when I was at my worst."  I asked her why she felt the need to rehash the worst time in her life, to see if there would be some value in it and she said, "I just want to remember where I started."  She then went into along talk about how terrible things were for her, how hard it was to be in her situation, how hard it was to have the time she needed to make friends and enjoy herself, how hard it was to feel good each day.  How every day she woke up with a feeling of dread and just wanted to stay in bed all day.   Down, down, down, down.  Until I made her stop. Guess what she had done?  She had brought herself right back into a state of misery, and why? Because that's where she was comfortable.  She was miserable, but comfortable because that's how things had always been for her. It took a few more weeks of work, but she finally did get the point. She needed to talk about the progress she was making, not the misery of the past.  The progress is what made her feel proud of herself and empowered.  I'm telling you this as an example of what you may need to give up in order to move forward.  All of that past junk has got to go!  

This is going to be a new start for you and if you are consistent about managing your mindset, you'll find it quite enjoyable.  Here is where I would like you to start:

1.  Choose one of thing from your work last week that you would like to change, repair or say goodbye to.  Write it down.

2.  Ask this question:  In a perfect world, where nothing stands in your way, not money, time, location, NOTHING, what would that situation look like?  If you could wave a magic wand and recreate a situation that is occurring in your life, what would it look like?

3.  Spend some time quietly deciding what it would be like if this issue were to disappear for you right now.  Visualize what your life would be like if it were perfect.  Be very clear in your visualization.  If it helps you, write it down.  Describe the situation as being fixed - turned into exactly what you want it to be.  What would it look like instead of how it looks now?  Write down a few words that describe the new situation.  

4.  Still visualizing in great detail, how do you feel, now that things are great?  Do you feel happy, free, light-hearted, calm, confident, etc.  Find just three or four words that make you feel tickled inside.  Keep visualizing and really FEEL the goodness that has come from the change.  

5.  Come back in from your visualization and focus on your list of words that made you feel great.
Write down two or three things that you can do RIGHT NOW to continue feeling this way.  They can be small things, but what can you change now?


1.  I need to get along better with my coworkers.  I'm tired of the pettiness and attitude that they have and I have.

2.  In a perfect world, I would come to work, feel good because I want to accomplish something today, feel happy to be there and know that I'm doing the best that I can, and earning my paycheck every day.  In a perfect world, I'd laugh a lot at work, and find someone to go to lunch with so feels more sociable and comfortable.  Celebrate my successes!

3.  If the drama at work were to go away, I'd have a friend or two there.  I'd hang out with the friendly people at lunch.  I'd feel a sense of teamwork because my great attitude would be contagious and others would begin to feel happy, too.  I'd feel confident, because I would know I'm the one who fixed the situation.

4.  Now that I see things as fixed, I feel confident.  I feel happy.  I feel excited because I can accomplish more at work.  People are now taking me more seriously, so I feel accomplished in what I do.   My words:   CONFIDENT.  HAPPY.  EXCITED.  ACCOMPLISHED.

5.  What can I do right now to begin feeling this way?  I'm going to listen to some good music on my way to work, which will make me HAPPY.  I'm going to focus ONLY on my task at hand at work so I can get things done and feel ACCOMPLISHED.  I'm going to reach out to one of my coworkers and see if she'll go to lunch with me and when she says yes, I'll feel EXCITED.   At the end of my day, I'll feel CONFIDENT because I made it a point to manage my own attitude and actions and created the feelings I want to feel at work.  

That's the Secret Sauce.  Knowing that although you cannot change the people around you, you can change how you react to them, as well as your own attitude toward them and toward how you operate and act.  

The big take away from this is:  You are EMPOWERED.  You get to CHOOSE what your situation looks like.  You get to CHOOSE how you react to any given moment or incident.  You get to CHOOSE to react, or walk away.  When you CHOOSE to be happy and manage your own feelings and attitude, more and more of those feelings will come back to you until it becomes who you are!

Remembering that everything is energy, when you control your energy and use your power to focus on the good and walk away from the drama, you attract more and more of the good into your life. After a little while, good is all you have, because you've attracted so much goodness, there is no room for negativity!  

Just try it out.  Even if you need to choose something tiny, try it out.  I promise that you'll feel better and better as they days go by.  

Leave me a comment below and let me know what you think!



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