Hello Gorgeous!
Is it next week already? Time is just flying by us, isn't it? Just like Mum said, the older we get, the faster time goes by!
If you are at all like me, you don't want to waste a second of it! And right this minute is the perfect time to begin to live the life you want. Regardless of where you are, now is the time. And we begin right here, at your perfect day... Now! Go get your notes from last weeks blog post. The one where you began describing your perfect life.
The first thing you're going to do is read through it one more time. This time, read it out loud, as if all of it is already in place for you and you are living it right now. As you read through each point, write down how it makes you feel to live that life. Yes, it takes a bit of imagination to really feel it, but try to REALLY feel it.
Now here's the super fun part! As you move through what you've written out as your perfect day, ask yourself this question:
For example, if in your perfect day you woke up in the morning surrounded by beautiful classical music, you need to find yourself a classical music CD or radio station to wake up to. Easy!
If in your perfect day you enjoyed the morning in crisp white pajamas and a delicious cup of coffee, go get yourself a new set of white pajamas and keep some of your favorite coffee in your house! Then do it tomorrow morning! (This was one of my perfect day items! Guess what I sleep in? Crisp, white pajamas! Guess what I have every morning? My favorite coffee in a pretty mug!)
If in your perfect day you surround yourself with beautiful fresh flowers, pick some up today! (I get mine at the local grocery store! Not too expensive there, and just as gorgeous as my local flower shop!)
These are just three small examples of what you can do to begin living the life of your dreams. You actually can create the life you want to live! You may not be able to get it all in one day, but you can make a start. You can add a little in now and a little more in tomorrow, next week, payday, whatever works for you!
If your perfect day involves long, luxurious walks outside, take a walk outside at lunchtime! That is an easy step you can take towards your dream life starting today! Just give it a little thought.
Remember that everything in life is energy. Our bodies, loves, hates, tastes, wants, attitudes and feelings, all of the things we do and the choices we make. All of it is energy. When we surround ourselves with good, positive, luxurious, curated energy, we attract exactly that back to us.
This is why we MUST begin to live our perfect lives right now! Time is passing quickly. Why not edit out the not so great, and edit in the fabulous - and attract more of the fabulous into our lives?
This is why we MUST begin to live our perfect lives right now! Time is passing quickly. Why not edit out the not so great, and edit in the fabulous - and attract more of the fabulous into our lives?
(More on editing next week)
Please start living your perfect life today! And leave me a comment below so I know how its going for you!
With carefully curated love,
PS! If you'd like these messages delivered right to your inbox, please enter your email address over on the right! And if you have questions or would like to learn how we can work together, feel free to contact me any time at CuratedDonna@gmail.com
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