Saturday, October 21, 2017

Gratitude and Appreciation (10-25-17)

Are you having a good day, my friend?  I sure hope so.  I am about to introduce you to a way to take even the most horrible day and turn it around into - at least a little - ray of sunshine!

It's been written about more times that you want to read, and there is a reason for that.  It's because it's true.  When you live a life filled with gratitude and appreciation, you will always feel better about anything that is happening in your life.

I've told you this before and I'm telling you again now, EVERYTHING IS ENERGY.  And when you put good energy out there, you get good energy back.  And that is not my opinion, it is a scientific fact.  I'm going to acknowledge and thank Katherine Hurst for the following information:

1.  As far back as 391 BC, Greek philosopher Plato noted that "likes tend toward likes."
2.  Positive thinking has support in Medical Journals.  The Yonsei Medical Journal in 2007 published that positive thinking is an approach designed to promote life satisfaction.
3.  Scientists at the Institute of Neurology in London have discovered that people who visualize a better future are more likely to bring that future into existence.
4.  A researcher at the University of Exeter published that people who consistently tell themselves that they can reach a goal are more likely to secure a positive outcome.
5.  When someone sees you radiating positivity, mirror neutrons in the brain of the observer cause that person to feel your positivity.
6.  Scientists in Atlanta have found that Limiting Beliefs are inherited.  This shows that you shouldn't be blamed for negative beliefs.  So, while you may have beliefs that are holding you back, you are not solely responsible for them.  (Although you DO have the power to overcome them.)

Pretty interesting, right?  YOU'VE GOT THE POWER!!

When you choose to begin and end each day with gratitude and appreciation, you are living positively, which means you are attracting positivity back into your life.  When we are appreciative and grateful for what we already have, we open ourselves up to more good things.  This is magical!

Appreciate what you have and who you are just as you are TODAY.  Take steps to better yourself and design your life.  The more you do this the more confident and capable you will become.  Celebrate all of the baby steps you take as well as the big leaps!  Be grateful for every little breath, feeling, taste and kindness that you see.  Make a place in your planner to write down a few things you're grateful for each day.  Recognize that you are on a journey.  You are a beautiful work in progress.

Perfection is not necessary.  With gratitude and appreciation, you will grow into a POWERFUL individual.

I am grateful for YOU.


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