Sunday, September 24, 2017

Ready for a Little Instant Gratification?

I love instant gratification, and I bet you do too!   We all love it when we get super fast results!  Whether it is food,  skin care,  weight loss (yeah right), the perfect haircut or color, the perfect shade of lipstick!  All of it makes us extremely happy, and the faster it happens, the better!   Well that is going to be the theme for our journey in October.  

A while ago I wrote a short piece called "Five steps that will take you from pitiful to powerful." This was a very popular article with my followers, so I've decided to elaborate on this concept for September.  With Fall and the Holidays fast approaching,  now is the perfect time to incorporate some empowerment into your world!  Just imagine how enjoyable the holidays will be when you can incorporate a new sense of confidence along into the general fun that the holidays can bring!  

DISCLAIMER:  Yes, I am aware that there are many people who find the holidays difficult and unhappy, so why not try something different this year.  Let's approach the season from a place of confidence and empowerment.  This way we can positively influence the people around us who do not enjoy the holidays.  My hope is that maybe this year, the season will be a bit better than past seasons because of you!  That is my wish for you and for anyone who doesn't enjoy this time of year.  

Let's give it a go!

Pretty much every person in the world has had times in their lives when they have struggled with their emotions and how they are showing up every day for others,  and much more importantly, for themselves.  If you feel this way now,  you are not alone.  We have all have emotions and we have felt this way at one time or another. 

Well I'm here to tell you loud and clear:  We are NOT stuck in that place or in that mode.   We all have the ability to change the way we operate and to mold our lives into exactly what we desire.  Yes, you already have the power within you  to do exactly that.

It is up to all of us to make the choice to examine our lives and DECIDE who we want to become. That is correct.  It is a DECISION that  you can make.  As I said,  you are not STUCK in a place or in a situation.  There are changes you can make in your surroundings and in your attitude that will get you moving and feeling more powerful.  And fast!  I will be sharing with you a different action step that you can take each week.  You'll have the week to practice that step, make notes and then next week move on with the next step from a more powerful place.  Baby steps, my friend!


Can you honestly say that you know where you are in regards to your PERSONAL POWER?  The first step in any forward moving process is to figure out, know and accept where you are.  Like any goal, you can't move forward, if you don't know where you are.  

This week, I'm going to ask you to do an examination of your life.   Make a few notes about where you would like to create some power and some confidence in your world.  And it's easy!  Take a few minutes at the end of each day this week and ask yourself a couple of questions:

When have I been at my best?  Not just today, but any time you remember feeling that way.
When have I felt I could have done a bit better in my performance.?  Was it at work, with my boss, with coworkers, with family,  the waiter,  strangers?  Was it when I was or was not being taken seriously,  respected,  adored?
How was I showing up at that time?   
Looking back, how did I see myself?   Was I frazzled,  cranky,  messy, late, negative,  angry?  

These are the types of questions that you must answer honestly in order to move forward.  A powerful woman is very aware of her surroundings and how she is interacting with those around her.  Are you showing up in a powerful,  on-purpose way?  Yes?  No?  I'm not asking you to fix things during lesson one.  Just make some notes about how you're feeling and we'll address those things next week!  

Then, once you accept where you are,  you will begin to recognize where changes need to be made, and you will be well on your way to empowerment.  Remember, clarity is power,  and getting clear on a few places that need some work will empower you to clean it all up and move forward!
And then BOOM!  Instant gratification!

I can't wait until next week!!

With carefully curated love,


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